KUTG10 UHD 12G Test Pattern Generator

12G, 3G, HD and SD Test Pattern Generator with embedder audio signals

K2E UHD 4K 12G-SDI modular interfaces
K2E UHD 4K 12G-SDI modular interfaces


·Two Sample interleave(2SI) for 12G-SDI
·1 individual 12G-SDI test patterns
– MultiBurst , Ramp, White Box, Black, 75% Color, 100% Color,
SMPTE EG-1, Outline, Box, RP219, Moire Outer, Moire Inner, Auto
·Individual offset delay with respect to reference in pixel increments up to one frame
·ANC inserter
·Compatible output formats for each output (only one output frequency
can be used at a time while locked to a reference)
·Channel swap identifier
·Lock to HD(Tri-level), SD(B&B) syncs or input
·A 16 character text ident can be overlaid on each pattern
